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A Future Ram in the Making

By: Xavier Moimoi

Caleb Kirby is dedicated to fostering strong bonds with both teachers and peers. In a recent conversation with Caleb, he shared his reasons for choosing O'Dea and the significance it holds for him.

He was drawn to O'Dea for its sense of community, facilitated by small class sizes that encourage personal connections. For Caleb, the community feel is the highlight of his O'Dea experience. His engagement with the community deepened through involvement in extracurriculars, including an engineering club and athletics such as track and cross country, allowing him to connect with students across different grades.

Caleb's educational zeal also guided his decision; he aspires to excel academically, valuing O'Dea's competitive spirit both inside and outside the classroom.

Post-graduation, Caleb plans to attend Colorado State University to major in engineering. Beyond academics, he is an avid adventurer, often exploring the great outdoors in his leisure time.

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